The World Celebrates Rabbi Marcia Prager

Rabbi Marcia Prager, an inspirational Jewish Renewal spiritual leader, teacher, guide, and colleague, has become a model for a new generation of lay and professional leadership. Through her, many of us have forged an intimate, passionate relationship with Judaism, with the divine in all of us, and thus, with each other.

The P'nai Or Philadelphia Jewish Renewal community is grateful that in 5772 (2011) R. Marcia celebrated 18 years of serving as our Rabbi-Chaver. In her honor, friends from around the world shared these many stories, poems, and loving tributes, to show our gratitude and naches at this wonderful milestone!

Unfailing Generosity

I came to know Rabbi Marcia Prager through participating in DLTI-5, starting in 2008.  Her masterful command of service leading coupled with her unfailing generosity and gentle manner helped make that experience wonderful for me!  

Since then, as a rabbinical student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia, I have had the pleasure of joining Pnai Or and thus becoming active in her home community.  I cherish Rabbi Marcia as a teacher, a mentor, a colleague, and most important, a dear friend.

Doris Dyen  

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