You have been my teacher in so many key moments, showing me the power of spiritual imagination as you guided a large chevre on an imaginary desert journey during the 1999 Kallah, unfolding the nature of joy through your imaginative and brilliant facilitation at the 2002 Ruach HaAretz, revealing the secrets of how to deeply connect with and transform a group of davenners at the AJR retreat.
But most of all, I will never forget your masterful guidance through Burt's and my wedding. Your presence created an instant community in which our wedding guests felt invited and charged with the protection and nurturing of our future marriage. The powerful forgiveness practice you facilitated at the tisch cleared the way for our union, allowing us to deeply connect with each person present before we stood beneath the huppah. And under the huppah, your joy and humor suffused the room, transporting everyone into a timeless, liminal space where the binyan of our future life together began to take form. (Good thing we had a stool there for Burt, because his legs weren't timeless!) Not only did you make sure we were well married before stepping out from under the huppah, you also took the best pictures of us at the reception! How can we ever thank you? May all that you have given return manyfold to sustain and nurture you.
Mazal tov on 18 magnificent years!
Rabbi Diane Elliot, RSMT
Wholly Present
6108 Plymouth Ave.
Richmond, CA 94805-1206